Day 34: Break Down Walls

“The seventh time, as the priests blew a long, loud trumpet blast, Joshua yelled to the people, “Shout! The Lord has given us the city!”

                                                                                     Joshua 6:16

The walls of Jericho is often depicted in illustrations as people holding musical instruments marching around a high seemingly impenetrable walls that are tumbling down like Jengga blocks. 

We face walls in our journey. And sometimes it can look like the walls of Jericho. We need to go through it but how do we do it? I have no strength, I have limited resources, I am stuck. Here’s how the Israelites did it – they obeyed and had faith in their God. The God who is able to do above and beyond. The God who not just breaks walls but will give you the city. Days of music and marching may not have rattled the enemies but God’s power revealed as the walls fell apart certainly did.

And so, seek to have an obedient heart, a spirit that discerns the voice of the Father, and a willingness to act in faith. Be patient in God’s perfect timing. You are a child of the King and walls will come tumbling down at the mention of His name. You will see His victory.



Father,  your word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. You know my heart. I want to obey you. And so, I put my trust in you and rest in the knowledge that you are more than able to deal with my situation. Thank you that I will see your victory! In Jesus’ name, amen.



Start speaking God’s word over your situation. Praise and thank Him and believe that the victory is already yours.


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