“And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.”
Matthew 10:7-8
The Lord has commissioned us to bring the kingdom of heaven to all the parts of the earth. What does the kingdom of heaven look like? It’s where people experience the presence of God every single day of their life. Every believer is activated to be the hands and feet of Jesus by sharing the gospel, praying and healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and walking in the supernatural works of the Holy Spirit.
This is not an option. It is a command that as we go, we must bring the kingdom of heaven. That is why we are called out to act and not be passive. To make courageous bold steps in being the ambassadors for Jesus. We know that God is looking for empty vessels that He can use for the expansion of His kingdom. Revival begins with you.
Father, thank you that when you call you also equip. Thank you that you have already given me the power of the kingdom that I may boldly share the gospel, pray for the sick, cast out demons, and yes, even raise the dead. And so today, I ask that you bring into my path people who need to experience your touch. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Ask God to release fresh fire to be his mouthpiece today. Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as He sends people your way to bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus and his Kingdom.