“The word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appoint you as prophet to the nations.'”
Jeremiah 1:4-5
You are not a mistake. Whatever circumstance you went through, God knows them all. All the pain and hardships will never go to waste for these are life treasures that will bring glory to God. These are your personal testimonies that speak of the nature of God. He is good and He is real and He is Almighty.
Everyone has a God given destiny that we must decide to boldly step into. There is a special anointing when we say yes to God and His assignment. For each one was called to multiply, subdue the earth, and make disciples of all nations. God also appoints your calling, some will be evangelist, some pastors, some teachers, some prophets and some apostles. Whatever appointment you have, know the Lord releases you with his divine power to accomplish it. Nothing is too hard, too big, too impossible for the Lord. He just needs you to say yes to it.
Father, thank you that you have called me and set me apart. I ask for boldness to step into that which you have called me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Write down your God-dreams to expand God’s Kingdom. Pray for power and boldness for this given assignment.