Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
John 4:13-14
What a wonderful invitation! The invitation to drink living water from Jesus. This water brings life into our soul. This water provides us the necessary nutrients to sustain our spirit. A tree that is well watered, and has enough nutrition, will be healthy, and will give its fruit at the proper time.
The source of this water is abundant. It will never run out. If we allow ourselves to continue to avail of this water, it will eventually well up to life everlasting! This living water is Jesus. He is giving Himself to everyone who would believe and come to Him.
The Lord promised everyone who drinks of this water will never thirst again. But why do many of us feel dry in our walk with the Lord? Why do we thirst still? Let’s honestly evaluate ourselves against these possible causes.
(a) We have gone back to drinking the water of this world. We continue to be so attached to the things of this world, i.e. pleasure of the flesh, material wealth, and the pride of life.
(b) We have allowed sin to continue to encroach into our lives. We allow sin to squat in our spirit, which is supposed to be a temple for the Holy Spirit.
(c) We don’t draw near to Jesus often enough, consistently and qualitatively. We are always in a hurry to be somewhere else, and to do something else.
Today, when you hear the invitation of the Lord to come and drink from Him, the Living Water, do not hesitate. Come everyday, come every hour. Come to the waters, plunge in and soak in the river!
Father, I come before you to soak in your presence. You alone can quench my thirst. Help me to be deeply rooted in you that I may bear fruit in every season of my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Make a commitment to stay rooted in His word.