“He will feed His flock like a shepherd;
He will gather the lambs with His arm,
And carry them in His bosom,
And gently lead those who are with young.
Isaiah 40:11
A good shepherd is known to have healthy sheep. He knows the name of each sheep, its condition, and what each one needs. A good shepherd knows that the sheep on its own means that they could hurt themselves and worst die because a sheep is not smart enough to take care of itself. It is the responsibility of the good shepherd to lead his sheep to green pasture and away from danger.
Our heavenly Father is described as the good shepherd. He cares for each of his flock and does not allow one to stray. God would leave the flock of 99 sheep for one that is lost . That’s how precious we are to God. His love is so unconditional that no one can understand how his love and grace abounds. And we as his sheep should not only know of his love but experience it. The Lord wants to feed us with his Word, lead us to our God given destiny, and carry us when we are tired and lost. He is patient and gentle to our shortcoming and is the first one to cheer us on when we are on the right track.
Have you had a personal encounter with our Good Shepherd?
Father, thank you for always looking after me. Thank you for guiding me back to the right track whenever I veer away from you. Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light unto my path. Help me to always look unto You for direction.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Ask God to show you the many times he was a good shepherd to you.