Watch and Pray
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
At the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus took Peter, James and John with him as he was praying in deep agony and sorrow for the things that are to take place. The disciples were asked to watch and pray while Jesus was praying to the Father. Three times he caught them sleeping instead of praying. Unknowing to the disciples, this was a critical time as their Shepherd that same night will be betrayed into the hands of evil men and be eventually crucified.
A preacher once told the congregation – be laser focused when you pray. The first few minutes of your praying time will be the hardest. You see the enemy will do anything to get you distracted. Often as you pray, you will find your mind wandering. Sometimes the notifications on your phone will steal your attention from God.
Prayer requires a strong resolve and preparation. If we need to switch off our phones before we begin praying, then let’s do so. If a prayer list can help, then let’s make one. If we need to find a quiet place to avoid distractions, then let’s go there. Do whatever it takes to remain steadfast against temptation. We can never overstate the importance of fighting for our prayer time. When we pray, our Spirit gets stronger while the desires of our flesh weaken. When we pray, we have access to the heavenlies wherein the enemy cannot enter or strike. That’s why prayer is a powerful weapon against the enemy’s schemes.
Lord I want to offer you my undivided attention whenever I
pray. Give me the power and strength to overcome any
form of temptation when I pray.
Eliminate all possible distractions during your prayer time.