Day 13: Friday, November 02, 2018

Bold Prayers

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:1)

In the past, my prayer life was quite shallow. I often prayed what other pastors would call -safe prayers. Examples of that would be saying grace before meals, praying for protection from harm and sickness, praying for to have a wonderful day. It was always the same old prayer every day. I’m even used to saying, “please Lord” and “if you can”.

What I did not realize is that God wants us to pray bold prayers, confident and with authority. He wants us to dream God dreams and pray it to be done here on earth. When you are worshipping the King, you will find yourself praying for the things that matters to Jesus. You will have a heart for his Heart: The church, the children, the poor, the afflicted and the widows. You will desire for the salvation of the lost.

So, I started praying bold prayers and the miracles unfolded one by one.

Last year I asked the Lord to let me walk where he walked. I wanted to go deeper in the roots of my faith. By His grace alone, after four months I found myself in Israel worshipping and praying to our resurrected Christ.

On another occasion, I prayed for a certain property. I wanted it to be a place where I could hold small group gatherings and conduct Bible studies. But the property was not for sale. So daily I would do prayer walks and lay hands on the property. Within a month, the property was offered to us for rent. Today this is now a place where people come to know Jesus.

Earlier this year, I fasted and prayed to be a part of a revival movement in the Philippines. Within two months I find myself serving in Jesus Reigns.

In all these instances, God gave me the desire to pray and I responded with faith. I can attest that, as his children, we can approach him with the assurance that God will hear us as we pray.


Lord, grant me boldness and confidence in my prayer life.
Give me God dreams that I can pray for and help me have
the heart for things that matter to you.


Spend time with God and bring a blank sheet of paper to write down some God dreams He will give to you to pray for. Pray for it daily.

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