Pray for Opportunities
“Praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.” (Colossians 4:3-4)
We pray daily (at least we should) specially for our supplications. We pray for sick loved ones or perhaps even ourselves. We tell God our sins and ask for forgiveness. But how often do we ask for opportunities to share the gospel to those who need it most? Too many times, this gets pushed to the bottom of the list, reserved for moments where we find ourselves having nothing else to pray.
If we are truly missional and desire to be used by the Lord in the expansion of His kingdom, we need to pray for God to give us opportunities to share the mystery of Christ with others.
See that in this passage, not only does Paul pray for opportunities, but he is also asking people in the church to pray with him. He could have asked for prayers to be released for he was in prison as he was writing this, but he knew that he was in prison for a reason. People there needed to hear the gospel- the guards, the other prisoners. If he was released without being able to share the gospel, then that would mean that he failed his mission.
Lord, please open doors of opportunities for me to share
the good news to those who need it. May I be sensitive to
the promptings of the Holy Spirit and give me boldness to
speak up when the right time comes.
Take on the challenge to be a messenger of the Good News
and welcome new opportunities to share the gospel.