Unlocking Closed Doors
“And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:6-8)
Here before us today is another account that talks about the power of persistent prayer. In this story, we read about an unjust judge who kept on refusing a poor widow’s appeal for justice against her adversary. It is natural to want to defend ourselves against another person’s mistreatment. However, the feeling of powerlessness drives us to look to those who are in authority and who have the power and capacity to grant us what we need. I imagine this could be the thought in the widow’s mind as she was knocking behind the judge’s closed doors. Her relentless appeal for the judge’s attention ana his favorable response was all worth it. The unjust judge eventually listened to her and rendered a just decision. Hence, the persistent widow obtained what she wanted.
Through this story, Jesus called us to consider the unrighteous judge who, being unjust and uncaring, has yielded to the pressing plea of the woman in the story. If the unjust judge can do it, how much more our righteous Father whose infinite understanding no one can fathom, will hearken the consistent cry of His children. He cares for us. He understands us and is more than willing to supply our needs even if it seems impossible. Like that of the widow, our prayers can be so powerful that it can cause closed doors to unlock right before us.
God promises to bring justice to His children if we seek Him and diligently call upon Him day and night. It does not matter how great the opposition is or whatever people say. It is the Lord who hears answers our prayers. The Lord will not despise those who persistently call and hope in Him. They will not be ignored. Instead, God will honor their petition and the door will be opened for them. They will get justice soon. What God requires is our constant prayer teamed with unwavering faith that He will do it in our favor.
Will He find faith for the impossible prayer items we entrusted to Him? Let powerful prayer bust the doors wide open and make way for miracles in your life, going for victory, so shape up!
Lord, unlike the unjust judge, you are merciful and good.
May we see in the eye of faith that you will answer our
prayers and give us justice. Increase our faith and teach us
now to trust a caring God like you until we see your answers
to our untiring prayer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Keep on knocking in prayer; the Merciful Judqe is opening the door for you.