Day 9: Monday, October 29, 2018

Prayer Room

“But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray
to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6)

Everyone should have a prayer room or prayer closet in their home. This is the most powerful space you will ever have. When you declare a certain spot in your home as your prayer space, the area becomes holy ground. It becomes a place of refuge, refreshment clarity and peace. In this prayer room, a deep revelation of God’s word comes alive to those who seek Him. The consuming fire of God cleanses the prayer warrior and purifies every desire lifted to the Lord and helps the one praying to see the heart of God. The one who prays in secret will receive a reward. That greatest reward is experiencing the presence of God Himself.

Many have testified to the power of a private prayer life. God tunes the heart of the prayer warrior with God’s heartbeat. Prayer helps us to become sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, many impossible situations become supernaturally possible. Family restoration happens because of a family member praying on their knees. Breakthroughs happen left and right because someone is storming heaven in persistent prayer. Nations are coming back to Jesus because God’s people are crying out for their country.


Lord, take my prayer life to a new level. Let me come to you
regularly in private to worship you and be in your presence
that I may see what your will is in everything.


Find a prayer corner/room or closet to meet God daily.

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