Day 2: Monday, October 22, 2018

A Need for Jesus to Reign

“The Lord will be King over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord and his name the only name.” (Zechariah 14:9)

There is a sound of despair in our world today. You just check social media or the news on television, and all you see is the chaos in every nation. There are wars, calamities, sickness, poverty, and injustices. Leaders all over the world have tried all forms of strategies, but nothing seems to work. Darkness still exists.

The truth is the world direst need is not more laws or policies. It needs to acknowledge that man cannot solve the world’s problem unless it recognizes and submits to the author of Life and the true King. If we want to see change, we need to let Jesus Reign. Without us realizing it, we have been a rebellious people. We have been doing everything our way and have completely forgotten our King of kings. We need to have the light of Jesus shine amid the darkness.

In his Kingdom there is order, there is peace, justice, joy, goodness, and love. In the Kingdom of God, no one is in need, there is harmony and unity, there is health and restoration available to all. We must all return and let Jesus rule our lives. Let us come back to the Kingdom and learn how to live righteously now. For the prophecies of the Bible all point back to the reality that Jesus is coming back soon. He is the reigning King of the whole earth. On that day, all those that call on the name of Jesus will be saved.


Meditate on the goodness and reign of the Lord Jesus and share to at least one person a recent testimony of how you have seen God at work in your life as a King who cares.


As you face the decisions you must make today, take a minute to ask and inquire of the Lord. Practice letting Jesus lead you in your every decision.

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