Day 1: Sunday, 21 October 2018

Testifying to Other People About Our King Who Cares

“I will meditate Your wonderful works. They tell of the power of Your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds” (Psalm 145: 5-6)

Consider this declaration of King David, he acknowledged God as the greater King over him. There is no wonder that the Bible promises that there shall be no end to the increase of this King’s government (Isaiah 9:7).

Those declarations are loaded with political meaning as to how we must treat our Lord Jesus. David teaches us to acknowledge God’s Kingship and to participate in the advancement of His government, even if the Lord already owns the earth and everything in it (Psa. 124:1-3). One way for us to be reminded of God’s sovereignty is by remembering what God has done for His creation and proclaiming them to others.

The Apostle Paul in Acts 23:11-28:31 knew that God wanted him to stay as a prisoner of Roman authorities so that he can be sent from place to place, from one king or governor to the next, to use his court trial to share his testimony. Even while in shackles, he was called to proclaim that the Lord Jesus reigns. He used every opportunity to declare the Lord’s reign rather than fear what may happen to his life and liberty.

Recently, a thief entered a house. He was supposed to take the coin savings amounting to more than P4000, a laptop, and other belongings of those living there. This was until he was spotted and a man inside the house screamed “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” The thief, though he had a weapon, ran away and left all that he was supposed to steal. He even left his screwdriver. What a powerful story about God’s protection and the authority of Jesus’ name.

Miracles did not stop happening when we accepted the Lordship of Jesus over our lives. God is still at work every day. In every testimony, say that it’s because of God and not mere luck. Though people might not believe you at once, continue to exalt the God who reigns and share about how you have experienced His rule, protection, and provision for you and your family.



Dear Lord Jesus, thank You because You are a king who cares. You are actively involved in our lives and in our world. May we experience new testimonies of Your power, mercy, rule, protection, and provision. Let others witness Your reign in our lives and give the credit to You and not to mere luck or fortune. Amen.


Meditate on the goodness and reign of the Lord Jesus and share to at least one person a recent testimony of how you have seen God at work in your life as a King who cares.

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